Free resources related to nature-based early childhood education

Porch play chat: The nature continuum
In this video, Dr. Rachel Larimore discusses that nature-based education is a continuum. It is not all or nothing.

Don’t let regulations spook you
Whether you’re contemplating starting a school or you have a school and are considering integrating more nature-based approaches, at some point you’ve probably had thoughts about regulations.

Never wonder where your sense of wonder went
Maybe nature-based education ensures that we as teachers will hold onto our own sense of wonder. Our sense of wonder in nature. Our sense of wonder in children.

Clear hiring is kind
“Clear is kind.” It’s a phrase Brené Brown uses often and it’s one of my favorites–particularly when it comes to hiring staff. And for many in the northern hemisphere, right now is the height of hiring between the end and beginning of the school years.

Belonging through onboarding
The onboarding process should create a sense of belonging. New staff should feel they belong and are part of the team while also feeling they can be their authentic selves as a member of the team.

“Bad” (Hard?) weather really does exist
In this post from the weekly Samara Early Learning newsletter our Chief Visionary Dr. Rachel Larimore reflects on how bad weather DOES exist and how the phrase “there’s no such thing as bad weather” may be limiting.

Inclusive in what counts as nature
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she discusses all the things that count as nature!

Tips for hiring and job search season
In this post Rachel gives tips for hiring and job search season. This information is great for interviewers and interviewees alike!

What does it remind you of?
This simple question also requires higher order thinking to compare, contrast, and connect to children’s prior experience. This also honors their culture and identity in the learning process.

Growing with the children: Bringing nature preschool practices to elementary schools
Many families who experience nature-based preschools find themselves looking for a similar elementary experience. In this article, Rachel Larimore discusses a nature-based elementary program.

Program considerations for establishing a nature-based preschool
Are you looking to start a nature-based school? In this article, Rachel Larimore discusses the importance of establishing a program philosophy and evaluating your available resources for before starting a nature-based school.

Getting down to business: Turning your ideas into reality
In this article, David Catlin, a colleague of Samara Early Learning, discusses how to turn your ideas for a nature-based preschool into reality.

Nurture in nature: Getting started with nature-based learning
Nurture in Nature is a blog series hosted by Kaplan Early Learning. In this article Dr. Rachel A. Larimore provides practical advice for creating outdoor learning spaces. While the idea may sound intimidating, she makes it simple.

Using principles of nature-based preschools to transform your classroom
In this article in NAEYC’s Young Children, Rachel Larimore explains how teachers can use principles of nature-based education to transform their classrooms.

How to lead a nature-based program without losing your purpose (or mind!)
This webinar, presented by Dr. Rachel Larimore, helps early childhood administrators identify the principles and benefits of a nature-based approach.

Joys & challenges of managing a nature-based program
Managing a nature-based program can be challenging, but there are also many joys! This webinar, presented by Dr. Rachel Larimore, helps early childhood administrators identify the principles fundamental to nature-based education and the benefits of such an approach.

Starter list of children’s books—preschool
There are MANY great nature-based children’s books. This list can serve as a starting point for the first book purchase(s) of your new nature-based or forest school!

Recommended books for nature-based educators
Are you looking for professional development resources related to nature-based education? Here’s a list to get your started. We’ve grouped the titles below by those relevant to all nature-based educators and titles focused on specific age-levels.

Nature-based learning environments: What every early childhood leader needs to know
This webinar, presented by Dr. Rachel Larimore, helps early childhood administrators address the unique considerations for designing a nature-based classroom—Inside, Outside & Beyond.