Free resources related to nature-based early childhood education

Opportunity shop
Opportunity shops (also known as thrift shops, resale shops, etc.) are one of my favorite places to shop for nature-based early childhood play supplies.

The power of 1 peach tree
A home provider recently shared this story with me about the peach tree in her backyard. She went on to describe the pure joy the children experienced in eating the peaches they had watched for so long, and I want to share it with you now.

Connecting the learning across all three spaces
You’ve heard me talk about the three spaces of the Inside, Outside, and Beyond. While the spaces themselves are important, what brings nature-based pedagogy to life is how we use those spaces.

Still the classroom
By considering the types of play opportunities available, we can shift toward the outdoor play space truly serving as an extension of the classroom where teachers are as engaged in supporting children’s play as they are indoors.

Preparing the indoor classroom
The start of the school year is typically when we tend to purchase the most consumable supplies, equipment, toys for our indoor classroom space. I want you to maximize your money by being intentional about the materials you choose so they encourage deep learning and hopefully learning with nature.

Routines & rituals
Rituals are about connection between people through eye contact, appropriate touch, presence, and playfulness. What if we intentionally worked to make our routines a time for connection?

Belonging through onboarding
The onboarding process should create a sense of belonging. New staff should feel they belong and are part of the team while also feeling they can be their authentic selves as a member of the team.

“Bad” (Hard?) weather really does exist
In this post from the weekly Samara Early Learning newsletter our Chief Visionary Dr. Rachel Larimore reflects on how bad weather DOES exist and how the phrase “there’s no such thing as bad weather” may be limiting.

Inclusive in what counts as nature
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she discusses all the things that count as nature!

Welcoming staff to your program
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she gives suggestions for effectively welcoming staff to your program.

Tips for hiring and job search season
In this post Rachel gives tips for hiring and job search season. This information is great for interviewers and interviewees alike!

What does it remind you of?
This simple question also requires higher order thinking to compare, contrast, and connect to children’s prior experience. This also honors their culture and identity in the learning process.

The boring stuff matters: Policies, procedures, and more!
I know, I know—policies and procedures are boring, but they are SO important to operating successful nature-based programs.

Taking a break that meets your needs
However you choose to spend your break, I hope you find restoration and rejuvenation.

Resources for when things are not okay
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she offer advice and resources for having difficult conversations with children.

Nature is everywhere—even in urban areas
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she reflects on how nature is TRULY everywhere, even in urban spaces.

The first rainy day
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she reflects on the first rainy day at a nature-based school. This includes talking with families about inclement weather and ensuring children have the appropriate gear for positive experiences playing outdoors.

The music shuffle
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she discusses different types of nature-based music and gives recommendations for music resources for children and adults alike!

Slowing down to see…
In this post from Rachel's weekly newsletter, she reflects on all the beauty that can be found in nature—you just have to slow down and see it! This post particularly highlights birding wherever in the world your find yourself.

Seeing the whole picture
In this article, Rachel discusses the importance of supporting the whole child and taking a wide enough view to address the root cause of behavior challenges.